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Josephine Perera

Lovely to meet you

Having been with House of Travel for 13 years I really enjoy how even after all this time every day is different. I can still find new destinations to learn about and expand on my knowledge through travel I have booked. Hearing about how my clients travels went and what they experienced is always a highlight!

I encourage clients to keep in touch throughout their trip as I love receiving a photo now and then to see where their adventures are taking them. To me it's not just a holiday or a travel experience we are booking, it's memories we are helping create that will last you a lifetime.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain.

So don't wait, get in touch to plan your next big adventure today!


My favourite holiday memories

  • Fiji
    Fiji Josephine Perera

    A stunning moment in Fiji just taking the time to absorb the beautiful surroundings - golden sand and blue ocean. Absolute bliss! 

  • India
    India Josephine Perera

    Making friends at Tordi Garh Fort in Tordi!! An amazing small village where the family who owns the fort has converted a few wings of it into a hotel - an experience not to be missed! 

  • Yosemite
    Yosemite Josephine Perera

    The size of Yosemite is unbelievable with the mountains and seemingly endless forest. Taking a walk through the winding array of paths gives you the feeling of being a million miles away from civilization. Just watch out for Mountain Lions!

  • Vatican City
    Vatican City Josephine Perera

    The view is unbelievable once you climb to the top of the St Peter's Dome at the Vatican City. Using ropes to ascend the last few original stairs to get to the top was a bit nerve wracking if you don't like heights but it was well worth it in the end!   

  • India- Rajasthan
    India Josephine Perera

    The colors, smells and sights in India can be overwhelming to the senses but exploring the Amber Fort was a relief from the crowds and offered some amazing views and history! 

Some of the destinations I have explored

AFRICA: South Africa
ASIA: India/Nepal/Bhutan | Singapore | Thailand
AUSTRALIA: Brisbane, Queensland | Gold Coast, Queensland | Perth/Kimberleys, Western Australia | Sunshine Coast, Queensland | Sydney, New South Wales
NORTH AMERICA: Belize | Guatemala | Mexico | USA
UK/EUROPE: England | France | Italy | Wales

Awards & qualifications

  • New Zealand Certificate in Tourism Level 3
  • New Zealand Certificate in Travel Level 4