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Jenny Gauthier

Headshot Jenny Gauthier

Jenny Gauthier

Lovely to meet you

Travel has been a part of my entire life.  After 45 years in the travel industry, I still love working with my clients to create the most amazing and memorable holiday experiences for them.  


My favourite holiday memories

  • Canyonlands USA
    Canyonlands USA Jenny Gauthier

    The Canyonlands in the USA are so diverse and stunning - definitely a must do.

Some of the destinations I have explored

ASIA: Hong Kong | Japan | Singapore 
AUSTRALIA: Brisbane, Queensland | Gold Coast, Queensland | Hobart, Tasmania | Melbourne, Victoria | Sunshine Coast, Queensland | Sydney, New South Wales
NORTH AMERICA: Alaska | Canada | Hawai'i | USA
SOUTH PACIFIC: Fiji | New Caledonia | Rarotonga, Cook Island 
UK/EUROPE: Austria | Germany | Hungary | England | France | Italy | Greece | Switzerland 

My travel stories

Postcard from Canyonlands USA

The Canyonlands in the USA are so diverse and stunning - definitely a must do. 

Awards & qualifications

  • New Zealand Certificate in Travel Level 4
  • House of Travel Legend Award
  • House of Travel Gold Sales Award