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Ella Kernick Harvey

Lovely to meet you

When the travel bug bites, there is no going back! Being new to the industry, I am eager to learn and turn your travel ideas into an experience to remember. My bubbly personality makes it easy for me to build connections with clients, making it smooth sailing when creating better holidays together. Though I’m in the process of expanding my travel knowledge, I give my all to help you achieve your perfect holiday so that you come home with great stories to tell!


My favourite holiday memories

  • Mooloolaba, Sunshine Coast
    Mooloolaba 1

    One of my favourite holiday destinations. If you're keen on sunshine and sorbet, this sensational city is the place to go!

  • Australia Zoo, Sunshine Coast
    Ella Kernick Harvey Blenheim

    Snoozing in the sun with the locals

  • Banana Bender Pub
    Banana Bender Pub Sunshine Coast

    The most amazing pub/restaurant in this tiny township full of colour and fun. I couldn't go past here without trying their classic food and drink.

  • Adelaide
    Adelaide Ella Kernick Harvey

    The unexpected beauty of Adelaide's architecture made for many fascinating walks. 

Creating better holidays 

Whatever your travel dreams, I will work with you to create the best holiday possible. The holidays I specialise in include:

  • 18yr-30 Something Travel
  • Disney Holidays
  • Family Travel

Where I have travelled to

AUSTRALIA: Brisbane | Gold Coast | Sunshine Coast | Sydney, New South Wales

What my customers have to say

  • She clarified some of my questions and then gave me her business card so I could follow up with her at a later date. When I did, she gave clear, quick responses and I am sure that my holiday will run smoothly.

Awards & qualifications

  • Aussie Specialist
  • Fiji Specialist
  • Anaheim Specialist
  • Disney Specialist