Postcard from South Africa

South Africa Charlotte

Oh wow, South Africa! As a first-time visitor, it truly exceeded all my expectations. I had the incredible fortune of exploring Kruger Park from a private conservancy, where we were able to venture off the beaten path in our jeeps. It was such a privilege to witness an animal sighting with only one other vehicle there. There's nothing quite like watching majestic lions feasting or a playful baby elephant mimicking the adults, complete with those adorable flapping ears and an excitedly lifting trunk!

Next, I ventured to Cape Town, where the stunning landscapes took my breath away. I couldn't get enough of the charming African penguins waddling around, and a visit to Robben Island offered profound insights into South Africa's poignant history.

We wrapped up our adventure at Sun City, staying at the breathtaking Palace of the Lost City Hotel. It felt like the designer’s brief was simply to infuse as much African spirit as possible—then add a little extra! This magnificent place was the perfect finale, boasting a sprawling pool, a luxurious spa, a vibrant casino, and a thrilling water park, all nestled right next to the stunning Pilanesberg National Park. What a wonderful way to conclude an unforgettable journey!

Brightly painted houses in Bo-Kaap, Cape Town

At the Cape of Good Hope with my Dad's memory bear

Elegant giraffe

The Palace of the Lost City from the pool

Royal Chamber dome ceiling, taking nearly 5000 hours it was hand painted by artists lying on their backs