European 3 Month Journey
After a 2 years working in the UK, I embarked on a three-month journey across Europe with my partner in our trusty Toyota Previa camper van.
In the space of three months we managed to tick off a few major cities that we hadn't quite made it to during our stint living in the UK, like Berlin, Budapest and Vienna, and after two years being land locked in London we also made it a priority to get in some beach time along the Portuguese, Spanish and French Atlantic Coast.
The journey I mapped out saw us head across to Amsterdam, cut through Germany and the Czech Republic down to Budapest and then across to Croatia. After driving the Dalmatian Coast we headed inland to Lake Bled in Slovenia, and then we headed to Italy. After thoroughly exploring Italy we proceeded to follow the gorgeous Mediterranean coast until we arrived
in Barcelona, when we decided to cut across Spain in order to get to Portugal.
From here out it was all beaches and surf up until the drive through the picturesque Loire Valley to Paris!
I loved being on the road and being able to drive through tiny towns that we would not have otherwise seen. Being in the van meant we got to experience fresh, local cuisine from the markets and cook it up ourselves. We also had some magical experiences freedom camping on the cliffs of the Rota Vicentina on the Algarve Coast in Portugal, on the beachfront in France and next to the lake in Slovenia.
My personal highlights were:
*Being immersed in the sunset drenched Mediterranean on a near deserted beach at Saint Tropez, France
*Wading in the fountain outside of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam after navigating the city through 36 degree weather
*Meandering through the brightly coloured houses in beautiful Burano, a small island just next to Venice
*All of the fresh baguettes, croissants and cheeses in France!
*Ice cream on Charles Bridge in Prague and refreshing bohemian pilsners in Cesky Krumlov
*Soaking in the Gellert Thermal Baths in Budapest after a long day wandering about the city and climbing up the citadel
*Tuscany…need I say more?!
*Beautiful Bordeaux wine and cheese sunset picnics after a day out in the surf on the beautiful beaches of the French Atlantic Coast
*Pinxos in San Sebastian - definitely my favourite European food…next to bread and cheese anyway!
I had so much fun planning our itinerary for this trip, and even more fun making it happen. We had the best of both world, cities, culture and must-see sights - and then - relaxation, sun, surf and food!
Burano Island, Venice Positano
Dubrovnik Lovelock Bridge, Paris

Beautiful Lisbon A hot day in Amsterdam