Postcards from Budapest

IMG 1560 Melissa Wallace Budapest

Budapest holds a special place in my heart, this is where my dad and family come from, they escaped the Hungarian Revolution and had their own adventure before arriving in NZ. 

On this adventure my daughters and I explored this wonderful city with hop-on/off bus, no big waits in traffic like some other big cities and was a great way to get around. 

They had lovely memorable displays along the Danube, some were sad reminders of how cruel the world was. We experienced the famous Szechenyi Thermal Baths, the girls had a swim, (no splashing, girls got the whistle blown at them).  Not for me, too many people. But great place to people watch and get spa treatments. 

I have a lot more photos I will load when I have more time, but it's a must see city.  And my girls have these memories forever and will one return.
