Travelling the world is the BEST experience, it allows you to explore, taste & enjoy different cultures, climates and most importantly to flavour life to its fullest.
I love my job! It is exciting & rewarding and everyday brings a new adventure.
Bali, Indonesia | China | Hong Kong | Malaysia/Borneo | Philippines | Singapore | Thailand | Vietnam/Cambodia/Laos
AUSTRALIA: Adelaide, South Australia | Brisbane | Gold Coast | Melbourne, Victoria | Sydney, New South Wales
MIDDLE EAST: Egypt/Jordan | Turkey
NORTH AMERICA: Alaska | Canada | Caribbean | Greenland | Hawai`i | Mexico | USA
SOUTH AMERICA: Argentina | Bolivia | Brazil | Chile | Equador | Galapagos Islands | Peru
SOUTH PACIFIC: Fiji | Rarotonga, Cook Islands | Tonga | Vanuatu
UK/EUROPE: Austria | Belgium | Germany | Ireland | England | France | Italy | Greece | Netherlands | Spain/Portugal | Switzerland | Turkey