Travel enriches our lives.
We get to value experiences more than material possessions, we develop respect for other cultures and traditions, it allows us to see the bigger picture and forces us to be more outgoing than usual.
Get all the inside info from me on the best curry house on Brick Lane in London, the quirkiest hidden bar in Melbourne, a wee boutique hotel just off Grand Central Station in New York. The list goes on........
Bali, Indonesia | China | Hong Kong | India/Nepal/Bhutan | Japan | Malaysia/Borneo | Singapore | Thailand | Vietnam/Cambodia/Laos
AUSTRALIA: Adelaide, South Australia | Brisbane | Gold Coast | Hobart, Tasmania | Melbourne, Victoria | Perth/Kimberleys, WA | Sunshine Coast | Sydney, New South Wales
Dubai, UAE
NORTH AMERICA: Canada | Hawai`i | Mexico | USA
SOUTH AMERICA: Argentina | Brazil
SOUTH PACIFIC: Fiji | New Caledonia | Rarotonga, Cook Islands | Tahiti | Vanuatu
UK/EUROPE: Austria | Belgium | Croatia | Czech Republic | Denmark | Germany | Hungary | Ireland | England | France | Italy | Netherlands | Poland | Scotland | Spain/Portugal | Switzerland | Wales