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Bonnie McLeod

Lovely to meet you

Travel to me, is more than just going somewhere, it's getting amongst with the locals, seeing all the hidden gems and finding out the best kept secrets of an area. 

After bit of a hiatus working out of travel, the job that has allowed me to see amazing parts of the world and meet lifelong friends has called me back. 

Come in to see me and let me help you collect new memories, one destination at a time. 


Some of the destinations I have explored

ASIA:Japan |  Singapore |  Thailand 
AUSTRALIA: Brisbane, Queensland | Gold Coast, Queensland | Sunshine Coast, Queensland | Sydney, New South Wales
NORTH AMERICA: Canada | Hawai'i | USA
UK/EUROPE: Austria | Germany | England |  France | Italy | Netherlands | Scotland | Spain/Portugal | Switzerland | Vatican City

Awards & qualifications

  • New Zealand Certificate in Travel Level 4
  • House of Travel Silver Sales Award 2015
  • Bronze Sales Award 2014
  • Top Student - Certificate in Travel 2007 - Laker House of Travel Scholarship
  • Globus Super Tour participant 2014
  • Silver Sales Award 2015