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Charlie Stridiron-Leiva

Lovely to meet you

My favourite holiday memories

  • Morocco
    Morocco Charlie Stridiron Leiva

    Fes is well known for its immensely rich history and culture. This photo was taken at the oldest university in the world. Al-Karaouine (859) situated in the heart of the Old Medina. Hidden amongst winding, ancient alleyways and streets, it really does feel like you are stepping back into a period untouched by modernization. 

  • Merzouga Western Sahara
    Merzouga Western Sahara Charlie Stridiron Leiva

    The Sahara Desert is a sight that is very difficult to comprehend unless you have stepped foot on it yourself. A deep beautiful orange that spans as far as the eye can see, far from anything seen here in New Zealand. Personally, I consider it one of the most amazing sights I've seen in my life and highly recommend adding it to your bucket list!

  • San Vicente Pacaya Guatemala
    San Vicente Pacaya Guatemala

    This photo was taken at the foothills of Pacaya Volcano in Guatemala. This volcanic range is one of the most active in the world, so active in fact, we were able to cook marshmallows on the streams of flowing lava running passed our feet! If you enjoy expansive views and a bit of rugged adventure, this is one to check out. 

  • Ronda Spain
    Ronda Spain Charlie Stridiron Leiva

    Located in the heart of Andalucía, Ronda is famous for its Bull Fighting history and unique geographical placement. In this photo, I am standing in the oldest Bullring in the world, although shrouded in controversy, is nevertheless worth a visit. Having visited Spain many times, this town has always been my favourite due to it's authentic Spanish architecture and tradition. 

Some of the destinations I have explored

AFRICA: South Africa 
ASIA: Singapore 
AUSTRALIA: Brisbane | Gold Coast | Melbourne, Victoria | Sydney, New South Wales
UK/EUROPE: Italy | Spain/Portugal 
OTHER DESTINATIONS: Morocco | Honduras | Guatemala 

Awards & qualifications

  • Aussie Specialist
  • Fiji Specialist