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Sarah Bright

Lovely to meet you

With over 20 years in the travel industry I have been to some incredible countries, Argentina, Japan, Canada, Hawaii, Pacific Islands, Cambodia and Europe are some of the highlights ..... the list goes on, as does the 'still to be experienced' list. 

This year my family and I are off to Mexico, Guatemala, Belize and Costa Rica with a bit of the USA sprinkled in - a once in a lifetime adventure. 

I love working with my clients to plan their trips and collaborating to ensure it's the best experience possible. I love to catch up with my clients after their adventures, hearing all about their amazing adventure! To learn more - that's the great thing about travel, you can never know it all!


Where I've Been

ASIA: China | Japan | Malaysia/Borneo | Singapore | Thailand | Vietnam/Cambodia/Laos 
AUSTRALIA: Adelaide, South Australia | Brisbane | Gold Coast | Melbourne, Victoria | Perth/Kimberleys, WA | Sunshine Coast | Sydney, New South Wales
NORTH AMERICA: Canada | Hawai`i | USA
SOUTH PACIFIC: Fiji | Rarotonga, Cook Islands | Samoa | Vanuatu
UK/EUROPE: Austria | Belgium | Croatia | Czech Republic | Germany | Hungary | Ireland | England | France | Italy | Greece | Netherlands | Scotland | Spain/Portugal | Switzerland | Wales

Awards & qualifications

  • New Zealand Certificate in Tourism Level 3
  • New Zealand Certificate in Travel Level 4
  • Tahiti Specialist
  • Aussie Specialist
  • Fiji Specialist
  • Anaheim Specialist
  • USA Discovery Programme