Headshot Nicci Smith

Nicci Smith

Lovely to meet you

Hi I am Sapphire

After 16 years flying the sky's  my feet are now grounded but that hasn't slowed my love of travel, with small children at home our trips might have changed but I love seeing them discover everything new that travel brings to your life.

I will help with looking after the administration work that goes on behind the scenes for all of our consultants. Looking forward to seeing in store soon.


Some of the destinations I have explored

ASIA: Bali, Indonesia | India/Nepal/Bhutan | Malaysia/Borneo | Singapore | Sri Lanka | Thailand | Vietnam/Cambodia/Laos
AUSTRALIA: Gold Coast, Queensland | Melbourne Victoria |  Sydney, New South Wales
MIDDLE EAST: Dubai, UAE | Doha, Qatar | Egypt/Jordan | Turkey 
SOUTH PACIFIC: Fiji | Rarotonga, Cook Islands | Samoa
UK/EUROPE: Croatia | Czech Republic | Ireland | England | France | Italy | Greece | Netherlands | Scotland | Spain/Portugal | Turkey | Wales